New Zealand is 268,680 square kilometers in area. Japan is 377,835 square kilometers in area. Only 16 People live per 1 kilometer in New Zealand. New Zealand resembles Japan in the way that an island country, volcanoes, earthquake and so on.

New Zealand has many volcanoes, whose shape is a cone like Mt.Fuji of Japan. There was big eruption in 181 in New Zealand. The eruption was said to influence in Europe and China in those days. The sunlight of Europe and China was hazy by the volcanic ash in New Zealand.
"Lake Taupo" was formed by the violent eruption. The area of Lake Taupo is 616 square kilometers.
The biggest lake of Japan is
"Lake Biwa". Lake
Biwa is located in Shiga Prefecture. It occupies a one-sixth of the area of Shiga. Lake
Biwa was made by cr

ustal movement in Mie Prefecture 4 million years ago. This gradually moved to the north and reached the position of current Lake
Biwa. In a world lake, it is the ancient lake which is thirdly old. Lake
Biwa is 670.33 square kilometers in area.